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Advance Directives

Requirements for Advance Directives in Washington

By November 7, 2021May 28th, 2024No Comments
Doctor Holding in Hand Advance Medical Directives | Medicaid Planning in WA | Legacy Law Group

As you approach the end of your life, you want to be able to make decisions regarding your care. However, if you’re incapacitated, you can’t do that.

Cue the advance directive. By learning more about what an advance directive is and the requirements for it, you can protect yourself no matter what happens.

Why Use an Advance Directive?

An advance directive will give you the authority to make decisions about your medical treatment if you no longer can. With it, you can specify an individual — called a healthcare agent or proxy — who will carry out your wishes regarding critical issues like whether or not you want to be on life support, as well as when you want to stop artificial life-sustaining treatments. It will also include what you want to happen to your body after you die (for instance, cremation or burial).

Creating Your Advance Directive

When you create your advance directive in Washington, you should do so after consulting with a medical professional to ensure that you understand all of your options. Additionally, it’s a good idea to create an advance directive with the help of an estate planning attorney, who will guarantee that it’s legally binding. You’ll also need to ask your proxy if they are up for the job.

In your advance directive, you’ll have to include the name and contact information for your proxy and answer questions about the kind of care you want. You are also required to have two adults witness you signing the document.

Getting in Touch With Legacy Law Group

If you need help with your advance directive, you can contact the estate planning attorneys at Legacy Law Group in Eastern Washington, Spokane Valley, and Spokane itself. Get in touch with us at (509) 315-8087.

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